The terrible horror of the Holocaust is a horrible nightmare of consummate depravity that will forever linger in the psyche of the civilized world. What caused a civilized nation like Germany to attempt the extermination of an entire race of people? I believe a seared conscience is the answer. Likewise, the monstrous dehumanization of people from Africa as slaves will forever leave an indelible stamp of depraved inhumanity on America, the country we call “the home of the brave and the land of the free.” How could an enlightened democratic country like our beloved nation enslave a race of people? Again, the answer is the same – a seared conscience. It is inconceivable that despite the worldwide outcry and repudiation of the awful evil of the holocaust and the evil of slavery, we are still plagued with the same kind of evil today. The ghastly comparison of the evil mass killing of the holocaust and the evil dehumanization of slavery can be made with the awful evil of abortion which is plaguing our world.
The Bible declares in I Timothy 4:2 that “Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.” Teachings that justify slavery, the Holocaust, and abortion are instilled by a seared conscience. When your conscience is seared, then you become insensible to the immorality and the heinous nature of certain sins, like abortion. Your moral sensibility has been burned away, “as with a hot iron” and you become apathetic or even sympathetic to such horrendous evil. The extent of the evil of killing babies, still in the mother's nurturing womb, is surreptitiously concealed by the politically correct euphemism, “abortion." Americans have become anesthetized to the killing of innocent human beings by the use of the term “abortion,” which has served to sanitize the horrendously evil and diabolical practice of the mass slaughter of unborn babies.
What kind of teachings has seared the conscience of Americans? It is the same kind that corrupted and seared the conscience of Germans during the Holocaust and also the South during the time of slavery. It is known as Political Correctness. The Bible says “Such teachings come through hypocritical liars.” The essence of Political Correctness is state enforcement of ideological conformity to the treatment of a particular group of people though false teaching, dissemination of false information, and passing unjust laws. For example, it was politically incorrect for citizens of the American South to speak out against legalized slavery, and also for Germans to speak out against the legalized extermination of Jews, even as it is politically incorrect today to speak out against the legalized extermination of unwanted babies. Comparing abortion to the Holocaust, Pope John Paul calls abortion a “legal extermination,” arguing that both abortion and the mass murder of six million Jews came about as a result of people usurping the “Law of God” beneath the guise of democracy.
The comparison of abortion to slavery and the Holocaust may seem to be too farfetched to some people. Is it really fair to make such comparisons? Let us consider the parallels between abortion and the Holocaust to determine the fairness of our argument. Aborted babies are unwanted by their mothers; the Jews in the Holocaust were unwanted by their country. Aborted babies are considered not fully human; the Jews were considered not fully human. Aborted babies voices as victims remain unheard; the Jews voices as victims remained unheard during the years of legal extermination. Abortion clinics are called reproductive health centers; the death camps in Germany were called relocation centers. The parallels between abortion and slavery are equally revealing, when you compare the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision legalizing slavery to the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. In the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision, there was a 7 to 2 decision, ruling that blacks were not persons, and they were the property of their owners, who could choose to sell or kill them. Likewise, in the Roe v. Wade decision there was also a 7 to 2 decision, ruling that the unborn were not persons and they were the property of their owners (mothers) who could choose to keep or kill them. The kind of mindset that is revealed in Germany, the American South, and in America today is indicative of a seared conscience. Is it too farfetched to say that the politically correct pro choice Americans would no doubt be the politically correct pro slavery advocates of the early 1800s? Is it too farfetched to wonder whether the seared conscience of those, who today support the right of a woman to kill the unborn baby, deemed not fully human, would have also supported the right of the state to exterminate the Jews, deemed not fully human?
There is irrefutable evidence that life begins at conception. God breathes life into the unborn child at the moment of conception. A woman is not only aborting a pregnancy, but she is aborting a life, a life that is different and distinct from her own. The Bible reveals how God knew you before you were ever born. In Psalm 139: 13-16 the Bible declares “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb… your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” God saw you as a person in your mother’s womb, not as a blob of protoplasm. Dear friend, do not strive to be politically correct. The “hot iron” of Political Correctness will sear your conscience, and you will become morally blind.
Always remember that it is better to be right alone than to be wrong with a thousand others. Are you a true Christian? Then you cannot conform to Political Correctness, the belief system of the world, but you must be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will become the light of America and the light of the world. Moral issues determine the well being of a nation, not political issues. The Bible says “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Let Christians everywhere stand up against the monstrous injustice of abortion.
The Bible declares in I Timothy 4:2 that “Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.” Teachings that justify slavery, the Holocaust, and abortion are instilled by a seared conscience. When your conscience is seared, then you become insensible to the immorality and the heinous nature of certain sins, like abortion. Your moral sensibility has been burned away, “as with a hot iron” and you become apathetic or even sympathetic to such horrendous evil. The extent of the evil of killing babies, still in the mother's nurturing womb, is surreptitiously concealed by the politically correct euphemism, “abortion." Americans have become anesthetized to the killing of innocent human beings by the use of the term “abortion,” which has served to sanitize the horrendously evil and diabolical practice of the mass slaughter of unborn babies.
What kind of teachings has seared the conscience of Americans? It is the same kind that corrupted and seared the conscience of Germans during the Holocaust and also the South during the time of slavery. It is known as Political Correctness. The Bible says “Such teachings come through hypocritical liars.” The essence of Political Correctness is state enforcement of ideological conformity to the treatment of a particular group of people though false teaching, dissemination of false information, and passing unjust laws. For example, it was politically incorrect for citizens of the American South to speak out against legalized slavery, and also for Germans to speak out against the legalized extermination of Jews, even as it is politically incorrect today to speak out against the legalized extermination of unwanted babies. Comparing abortion to the Holocaust, Pope John Paul calls abortion a “legal extermination,” arguing that both abortion and the mass murder of six million Jews came about as a result of people usurping the “Law of God” beneath the guise of democracy.
The comparison of abortion to slavery and the Holocaust may seem to be too farfetched to some people. Is it really fair to make such comparisons? Let us consider the parallels between abortion and the Holocaust to determine the fairness of our argument. Aborted babies are unwanted by their mothers; the Jews in the Holocaust were unwanted by their country. Aborted babies are considered not fully human; the Jews were considered not fully human. Aborted babies voices as victims remain unheard; the Jews voices as victims remained unheard during the years of legal extermination. Abortion clinics are called reproductive health centers; the death camps in Germany were called relocation centers. The parallels between abortion and slavery are equally revealing, when you compare the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision legalizing slavery to the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. In the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision, there was a 7 to 2 decision, ruling that blacks were not persons, and they were the property of their owners, who could choose to sell or kill them. Likewise, in the Roe v. Wade decision there was also a 7 to 2 decision, ruling that the unborn were not persons and they were the property of their owners (mothers) who could choose to keep or kill them. The kind of mindset that is revealed in Germany, the American South, and in America today is indicative of a seared conscience. Is it too farfetched to say that the politically correct pro choice Americans would no doubt be the politically correct pro slavery advocates of the early 1800s? Is it too farfetched to wonder whether the seared conscience of those, who today support the right of a woman to kill the unborn baby, deemed not fully human, would have also supported the right of the state to exterminate the Jews, deemed not fully human?
There is irrefutable evidence that life begins at conception. God breathes life into the unborn child at the moment of conception. A woman is not only aborting a pregnancy, but she is aborting a life, a life that is different and distinct from her own. The Bible reveals how God knew you before you were ever born. In Psalm 139: 13-16 the Bible declares “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb… your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” God saw you as a person in your mother’s womb, not as a blob of protoplasm. Dear friend, do not strive to be politically correct. The “hot iron” of Political Correctness will sear your conscience, and you will become morally blind.
Always remember that it is better to be right alone than to be wrong with a thousand others. Are you a true Christian? Then you cannot conform to Political Correctness, the belief system of the world, but you must be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will become the light of America and the light of the world. Moral issues determine the well being of a nation, not political issues. The Bible says “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Let Christians everywhere stand up against the monstrous injustice of abortion.
Dear friend, let us pray: Father, as we have prayed for victims of natural disaster, war and terrorism, we now pray for the millions of victims of abortion who have been murdered on the basis of a woman's right to choose life or death for her child. We thank you for receiving these precious souls in heaven, whom the seared conscience of the world have rejected. Lord, we pray that our nation will turn to you in repentance. In Jesus name, Amen.
God has promised to take believers to heaven before His judgement of the world. This will take place at the Second Coming of Jesus. Let us now consider this promise of God in the next topic, "The Rapture." The return of our Lord will be the most glorious day, since the beginning of time.